Info Select: Phone notes
If you talk on the phone you probably take notes - messages, numbers, dates, who said what, and so on. But do you really have a good place to put all these notes?
Let's not even get into the problems with paper notes - the only sensible solution is to leverage your computer. When a person you talked to months ago calls the last thing you want to do is scramble all over for a slip of paper you wrote during a prior conversation.
Info Select is ideal for storing, organizing, and finding quick phone notes because when you are on the phone you don't have time for complex programs with multiple fields and modes. The example above shows a series of notes about a client - it takes just one keystroke to start a new note in Info Select (the keystroke is N for Note). A name and address database is also shown - you can make as many databases as you like mixed in with your notes! Info Select - the one place for all your random information.
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Info Select is a terrific product! It has been absolutely invaluable in helping me organize information for my newsletter and speaking engagements. I honestly don't know what I'd do without it.
Frederick S. Lane III, Publisher, The Journal of Electronic Discovery & Internet Litigation
I have been using Info Select for over 10 years, and have been a rabid evangelist for the product. Our company has bought many copies and many of us feel that we would have to shoot anyone who tried to take Info Select away from us. I was recently issued a laptop computer, and having all my Info Select notes with me on trips and everywhere I go has been fantastic.
Randy Jones, Anaheim CA