Info Select: Organize procedures
Did you ever spend an hour or so figuring out how to do something on your computer? You researched the available information. Tested. Read some more and finally got it to work?
Where did you write down the steps to avoid the frustration next time you need to do the same thing? On a slip of paper that could get lost? In your word processor where you might forget the file name?
Info Select is great for storing this type of assorted information. The example above shows a procedure one user worked out for creating a booklet manual in Corel Draw. Six months or a year later, the information will be a snap to find thanks to Info Select's powerful search engine. Info Select - the one place for all your random information.
For pricing and ordering click here
Info Select main page.

I congratulate you on marketing Info Select. It continues to be the most important program I own. It has virtually replaced my long term memory.
I just downloaded the final version and thought I'd tender my congratulations on a terrific program. I'm a journalist who once had a desk full of scribbled notes that invariably got lost. Now IS is loaded into my computer on startup and holds an ever-expanding wealth of random information. The new tools and interface of IS make using it a breeze.
Matthew Cawood - Communications Officer - Marsupial Cooperative Research Centre